Saturday, September 15, 2007

The $2.00 cappuccino is no more

The $2.00 cappuccino at Java Joes is no more. It is replaced by a $3 to $4 cappuccino. There are other price hikes on other beverages, though a quick glance at the menu shows the pain seems most aimed at my beloved Italian beverage. Rick told me the price on everything is just going up, even on things like napkins. Good things usually don't last, and his prices are still reasonable. I think this is his first price hike in a while, if not the first since opening. I'm encouraging Rick to add some decent sandwiches to the mix because Subway sucks and the San Vicente area needs some food that isn't chicken nuggets or Mr. Suave. I urged him to use the same high end sandwich meat as Bobby Cadillacs. Step up the pressure on Rick and demand sandwiches at Java Joes if you agree by posting in the comment section.

I myself am in the midst of my annual should I stay or should I go debate. I really like a lot of things here. I wrote about all those things in my first Marianas Variety column. I think it is a great place for the kids, especially with a baby on the way. It's a unique place. I like the beauty, the diving and the small town feel. The news at the hospital disturbs. Fitial's latest ploy to screw not just teachers, but everyone, with the no pay on holidays salary cut is another needle in the eye as he threatens the sanctity of contracts. I'm very tired of being threatened. No one knows when the house of cards just falls in and payroll is not met. Just cut the dead weight already. Fitial is doing some of that to be fair, but apparently not enough. Not all jobs are created equal. The power plant hasn't impacted me that much truth be told, but that is another issue with no solution in sight, as is the petty crime. I've heard one too many stories about people being burglarized while they were in their home. That's brazen.


Bruce A. Bateman said...


They'll pay.

Your apartment has a generator.

Anyone breaks into my house while I'm here or not will be in for a rude, and painful - perhaps mortal, shock. Make it so Mr. Sulu.

Bon said...

I love Java Joe's, this makes me sad thinking it might get so bad Rick will consider moving too. Sandwiches are a good idea if you can afford the meat. We will buy them.

Mike Ernest said...

I spoke with the Shelley's guy tonite (Sunday). He said if he is closing, it is news to him.

He said he would be moving up to the Dan Dan area to be closer to the college and he got a much better deal on rent.

So, looks like you may have to adjust your stay/leave calculus.

Jeff said...

That's good news, closer to my house.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Boni, we aren't going anywhere. We hadn't raised our prices on coffee drinks since we opened in March, 2005.

As we all know, business conditions have changed considerably since then. Even so, most of the drinks went up from $0.25-0.50, we're not trying to retire on the sale of one cup of coffee here.

Sandwiches, etc. are on the way, look for some more food items in the next week or so.

stargazer said...


u guys have some really good apple pie, but why no ice cream to go with it? as for sandwiches, i regularly drive to Bobby Cadillac's for their clubs (avg. of 3x a week), and i live in aslito so it'd be nice to have an alternative closer to home. but you gotta get rid of the SMOKING for me to bring my family there! otherwise, i'll just have to keep going to Bobby Cadillac's (they dont give ashtrays unless asked, and it usually keeps people from killing others w/their pollution).

Bon said...

Yay! Just in time for the meet up rick? Cool! Man, boonieman! Ok, I relinquish my selfish desires, the smoking is a problem and I don't want to contribute to booniman becoming endangered. When it's really crowded I usually walk out to the side of the building anyway. Can I have an ashtray out there?

Anonymous said...

Ah, the smoking issue. A businessman's worst enemy, at least in my business.

In this corner - those people who spend a lot of money in my place, partially because they can drink coffee and smoke in a designated area.

In the other corner - all those who hate the smell and unhealthy aspects of smoking, also good, loyal customers.

I wish I could set up an outdoor seating area for smokers. The best we've been able to do so far is install an exhaust fan, I'm probably also going to further restrict the number of smoking tables.


Jeff said...

I hate cigarette smoke, and I never smell it on the non-smoking side, so I don't think it is an issue, and I'm in your place a lot.

Bon said...

I don't care, I'd still go there.

Anonymous said...

And yes, Boni, you can have as many ashtrays as you need outside, and I'll hang out there with you.


Bon said...


Tamara said...

reading this has made me hungry!

Bruce A. Bateman said...

I'm trying one day a week (Wednesdays) that are completely smoke free, inside at Porky's. Smokers are welcome to go outside to the Gazebo Bar or the Beach Patio and smoke,,,,or go up front to Lollipops (just kidding) and do their smoking.

So far the jury is still out. Many like it, many don't.

As you say, Rick, it is a sticky wicket. I'm partial to keeping it going and rely on those who like it to support it.

Its easy for me, I don't smoke. (I catch on fire every once in a while though).

Jeff said...

Or start them Bruce.

Bruce A. Bateman said...

Have bellows will travel.

stargazer said...


I had NEVER set foot inside your bar until you started this deal! So you have gained at least one customer! Not to mention his BAZILLION friends and GINORMOUS family! (at least on wednesdays) Boni can vouch for my popularity and family tree... anyway, I seriously doubt you'll lose your regular customers who smoke (they usually go for the "ambiance" anyway) since they "have" the other six days of the week and can still go outside on wednesdays.

all i know is that mcdonald's and subway have absolutely NO problems attracting customers to their restaurants despite being smokeless. Nor is PIC's Magellan restaurant hurting for customers, it is regularly packed during their lunch hour and for their weekend brunches.

In any case, I, and many others, do our best to support with our wallets those businesses who care about our health by enacting some sort of policy to eliminate or restrict smoking in their restaurants. So I applaud those who ban smoking! And as for Bruce and Rick, I appreciate your efforts to find a balance for both customer bases. And that is why you will regularly have my business!

But I still think you should care for your smoking customers' health and give them some healthy, clean, smoke-free air in your businesses. They can always mess-up their lungs in their car or outside. And, they'll live longer, therefore, you can milk more money from them for many more additional years! :-P

stargazer said...

And yes Boni! I am trying to make it harder for you to smoke in these places! I am being selfish, but only because I want to keep you around for as long as possible!!!! :-P

stargazer said...

sorry for jacking your post jeff! ill quit for now!

Bruce A. Bateman said...

Thanks for your kind words, boonieman. Given support we may expand the smokeless idea.

You give me a geat idea...we could pipe car exhaust in and do a hooka thing like at the mideastern restaurant. Folks from LA and Boston should flock to Porky's to get a smog fix. (:-))

Bon said...

I went to Porky's last night and smoked. My friend asked me not to, but it was not Smokeless Pork Night, so I told her to stuff her recently quit and you're gonna die look up her butt and she just smiled and let me smoke. Now I am feeling really bad. Bruce, please ban smoking more days! I am quite serious and an addict and I need a reason to comply.

Boonieman is connected and yes, I hesitate to say, has a ginormous family. His wife seems to like him, and I can vouch for his loyalty.

Bruce A. Bateman said...

Boni, I'll teach you the secret of quitting. It is really very simple. No charge. Next time I see you I'll give you the formula. I'm an addict too, but an addict that hasn't smoked in 30 years or so.

I have no idea who the boonieman is but I like his style. We disagree on some points but hey, that's what makes the world go around. (That and a little Newtonian gravity).

Welcome to Porky's Boonieman! Arrrrrrr, whoever ye be!

Bon said...

Olive opened up for me a little early the other night, I was with some friends. I know the sign said open, but it was obviously dark. Thank you Bruce! Thank you Olive! If I didn't have babies, I would've stayed a little longer and done some work.