Wednesday, November 05, 2008


What a strange and bizarre feeling it is to be back living in a country where I'm again confident the right and sensible thing will be done. How good it feels to know that there is someone with real intellect in charge; someone with wide support who won't pander to the worst, most divisive instincts in people. It is a profound change to no longer expect as the norm wildly irresponsible fiscal planning and globally embarassing public policy positions. How enouraging it is to see someone empowered who will actually go about fixing the enormous real problems that face both this country and this world. I'm proud of this country again for the first time in a long, long time. Kudos to Sen. John McCain for an incredibly noble and not just rote concession speech.


KAP said...

Now for reality. It will take four years just to untangle all of the knots.

Jeff said...

More than four years.

Anonymous said...


KAP said...

Stupid lucky Cardinals

Bruce A. Bateman said...

You sound like the oh so hopeful Carterites in 1976. All was going to be well again. Apples would ripen on the trees in January and there would be pate' instead of chicken in the household pot.

Remember how that one turned out 4 years later?

Oratory is fine...for winning elections...and for smoothing over the inevitable f**k ups, but accomplishes little else.

Let's see how this guy really shakes out before the kowtows begin, Jeff.


Ken, the Cardinals HAVE to be lucky. There is no other option for them.

Jeff said...

It's more relief and a rare glint of optimism after years of staggering incompetence. The Nixon/Ford era may have been corrupt/comical, but not like this. I don't expect things to be cleaned up immediately after this eight year kegger.

Anonymous said...

Hey turbitt. Nice review on the topic about the president winning. I just came to stop by to say thanks for teaching me well. I know what you have thought me will come in handy.